
Subway Restaurant Automation

Project maintained by RaviChimmalgi Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Subway Interface


This was a project for a Human Computer Interface class. The system envisioned in the project is a touch interface in a kiosk to place orders for a subway sandwich. On placing the order, the idea is that the kiosk would print a ticket with an order number and estimated wait time so you don't have to wait in line during rush hours. (javascript based)

User characteristics:

The main motivation of the project is to minimize the whole time spent on getting a subway sandwich from the Subway on campus during rush hours. So, primarily, the users would be students and faculty. Some characteristics:

Task analysis:

This whole process takes place in the restaurant. During rush hours, the user interacts with about 3-5 employees to place his/her order.

Existing system:

Currently, the system is manual. The customers stand in line and interact with employees to get what they want. Positive thing about this is that the customers talk to a human and they can give them very specific instructions and actually see the employee make the sandwich. It’s the next best thing than you making the sandwich yourself. Negatives:

Larger social and technical system:

The kiosk will not replace but augment the existing system at the restaurant. It will give the customers another way to order. The design will intersect with the existing system in place in terms of menu items and prices. The interface will also follow the steps currently used by the employees while taking orders; first bread, then cheese, meat, toasted/untoasted, toppings, condiments/sauce. This is because everyone is familiar to the steps and it would be much easier to learn the new interface.

Usability criteria/principles:

Authors and Contributors
