Web & Mobile Development

Profit Scan

Android app for W.L. Petrey Wholesale Inc.

App Overview

Tags: Android, C#, Xamarin, SQLite, RESTful API, Entity, LINQ, .NET, iTextSharp

Petrey Products

Single page web app for W.L. Petrey Wholesale Inc. for CRUD opertaions of products.

App Overview

Tags: C#, ASP.NET, SQL, Javascript, CSS, HTML, jQuery


Nanodegree Project 1: Meet-Up Event Planner

Live Site Github Repository

Tags: CSS, HTML, Javascript, Bootstrap, jQuery

FireWatch America

Website for FireWatch America, LLC.

Live Site

Tags: CSS, HTML, Javascript, Bootstrap, DNN, jQuery

Subway Interface

Human Computer Interactions class project

Live Site Project Page Github Repository

Tags: CSS, HTML, Javascript

Programming Projects


Maze-Solver using a custom depth first search algorithm

Github Repository

Tags: Java, DFS, AI


A project to learn and evaluate creation and use of SOAP webservices by applications on different platforms.

Project Report Github Repository

Tags: VB, .NET, SQL, WCF-SOAP, Java


A project to learn and evaluate creation and use of REST webservices by applications on different platforms.

Project Report Github Repository


Inventory Integration for Southern Marsh Co.

Prototype system of syncing Fishbowl and Shopify inventories

Project Report Github Repository

Tags: VB, .NET, SQL

GIS Projects

Female Literacy in Uttar Pradesh, India

A GIS project to determine the factors affecting female literacy in the indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Project Presentation

Tags: GIS, ArcGIS, data analysis, OLS regression